Submarine Slope failures character with high resolution bathymetry survey on continental slopes and submarine canyons

Spesker: Jia-Rou Lu                               Advisor : Shu-Kun Hsu




Submarine slope failures are common in various sedimentary environments worldwide, particularly along open continental slopes, submarine canyons, flanks of volcanic ridges and islands. These slope failures are generally controlled by sedimentation rate, sediment type, earthquakes, etc. There are two cases which are both using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry datasets respectively on continental slope and submarine canyon.
On the western and the southern margins of the Ulleung Basin, Lee et al. (2014) found a few distinct scoop-shaped (or horseshoe-shaped) slope-failure scars. And the mass-transport deposits (MTDs) can be recognized in chirp subbottom profiles. From the shelf to the basin in the Ribbon Reef region, northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Puga-Bernabéu Á et al. (2011) reveal that landslides occur on the canyon sidewalls, intercanyon slopes and near the base of the slope. And slope failure is relate to development of submarine canyons have been proposed.
Based on the above two studies, we realize that submarine landslides are mostly located in deep-water settings. And the scale of slope failures is related to how many sediments input to the shelf and composition of the sediment.




Puga-Bernabéu Á ., Webster,J.M., Beaman,R.J.&Guilbaud ,V (2011) Morphology and controls on the evolution of a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic submarine canyon system, Great Barrier Reef margin, north-eastern Australia. Marine Geology,289, 100-116.

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S.H. Lee, J.-J. Bahk, H.J. Kim, G.-Y. Kim, S.-P. Kim ,S.-W. Jeong &S.-S. Park (2014) Contrasting Development of the LatestQuaternary Slope Failures and Mass-Transport Deposits in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea , Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 403-412

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